The 2021 World Games have been postponed to 2022 due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result the ILS has had to establish a series of WG 2022 Qualifying Events, hosted by Member Federations throughout 2021, in order to allow national teams and their competitors to achieve times for selection to take place in December 2021.
Qualifying Period ended on 14th December 2021.
The qualifying period has now ended. The selection process has now started and the result is expected to be announced soon.
The Selection has been completed for the Lifesaving Athletes for TWG2022
The list of successful lifesaving athletes who have been selected for TWG2022 can be viewed here: https://www.ilsf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/TWG2022-Selected-Lifesaving-Teams-and-Athletes.pdf